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Donate 2 Change a Life Today!

Every dollar donated makes a difference and impacts the life of someone living with a hearing loss. 


Donations can be made online or mailed to:

Olive Osmond Hearing Fund

PO Box 282

Ephraim, UT 84627



When you give to the Olive Osmond Hearing Fund you give the gift of hearing. There is such a demand in the United States and around the world for the deaf and hard of hearing. Most insurance companies do not cover hearing aids and/or the medical professional services and deaf programs. The cost for services and programs to these families are recurring and most families do not have the resources to afford this. We use the funds raised to help families that cannot afford these services the opportunity to invest in their future.

The deaf and hard-of-hearing everywhere deserve the opportunity to reach their dreams and potential. Through gift of sound such dreams are ignited in the hearts and minds of children. The earlier these services are provided the greater the impact on the lives of the deaf and hard-of-hearing.

For many children globally, however, they could not hear the sound of their mother's voice...until now!

The gift of sound is so precious - life changing! Together we can make a difference in the lives of thousands, and someday millions.

By giving even $5, you can make an impact on a life today!

Monthly Donation:

Click the link below to sign up for a recurring monthly donation! Your on-going support make a huge impact for the deaf and hard-of-hearing.

In-Kind (Product) Donation:

Click the link below to donate a product or gift card to the OOHF. Every donation makes an impact on how we are able to assist the deaf. Hearing aids, gas cards, sky miles and product all helps give the gift of hearing.

Click the link below to make a one-time donation, to give the gift of hearing!

One Time Donation:
FUNdraising Campaign:
Click the link below to start your very own FUNdraising campaign. There are so many children who are in deseperate need of hearing help! Please tell us about your FUNdraising campaign idea that you'd like to help set up.
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